Thursday, June 19, 2014

Core & Body Weight

Please remember to always warm up with a 10 min light jog and a few rounds of dynamics such as high knees, A-skips, B-skips etc...  And when you are finished with your workout, always do at least a 5-minute light jog to help move all the lactic acid out of your system and about 10 minutes of stretching.  Follow up with a recover drink, or just rehydrate.  Continue to drink water through out the day.

The good news about today's workout is that you won't be doing any running outside of your warm-up and cool-down.  The bad news is that you will probably be more sore from this one than the running workouts!  

Core & Body Weight Challenge - Thursday 6/19

Here is a website that will give you a description of each of these exercises if you do not know what they are -

Try to complete this challenge without stopping.  Keep time of how long it takes for you to complete Round 1 (of 3) and try to finish at the same pace or faster each consecutive round.  You will rest for 5-8 minutes after completing each round.  Do not cheat by cutting time off of the timed exercises.  Make sure you know what each exercise is before starting so that you don't have to stop to look it up in the middle of your challenge.  Are you warmed up?  Then let's go!

Here's a little inspiration before you get started:  

10 Tuck Jumps
45s Plank

10 Clock Lunges - EACH LEG
150 Bicycle Crunches
10 Donkey Kicks
60s Flutter Kicks

10 Push Ups
10 Supermans (hold for 3 sec)
30s Wall Sit
10 Double Leg Press

Rest for 5 - 8 minutes and get some water.  Then repeat.  Do this workout a total of three times and then do a cool down run and stretch. 

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