I have two different workouts here for you to choose from depending on your Summer situation. If you are vacationing and still want to get in a quick workout, choose Option A. Otherwise, go with B.
Vacationer's 10 minute Challenge:
Each of the following should be completed in under 60 seconds, starting the next exercise on the minute. If you finish the exercise before the 60 seconds is up, then you can use that time to rest before starting the next set. If you go over the 60 seconds allowed you then have to try to make up that time in the next exercise. Some are 45 seconds which allows for either a 15 second break or time for you to make up taking too long to complete one of the other exercises.
Your goal is to finish each set under 60 seconds and finish the full Challenge in under 10 minutes. If you wish it move through without taking the remainder of the 60 seconds, and move on to the next set you can do that as well. However, if you are finished with the entire challenge before the 10 minutes is up, you will get a bonus exercise. If you get to the bonus exercise, be sure to count your reps to compare later.
1. 50 Bicycle Crunches (each leg - touch elbow to opposite knee - fully extend leg)
2. 12 Lunges (each leg - touch knee to ground)
3. 100 Jumping Jacks (or jump rope if you got it)
4. 20 Push Ups (30 if your knees are touching)
5. 45 second wall sit (feet should be 1 pace away from wall, thighs parallel to floor, back against the wall)
6. 45 second plank
7. 30 Mountain Climbers (from push up position, bring knee up outside of elbow and back like running motion - each leg)
8. 20 chair squats (keep chest upright, arms extended, squat down and raise back up just before touching chair)
9. 20 chair dips (with straight legs, or 30 with knees bent)
10. 15 Single Leg Toe Touch (one leg x 15 then switch legs - see image below for how to do this, except do not let the raised foot touch the ground)
BONUS: Do as many Burpees as you can until the 10 minutes runs out! Make sure you write down any successes or failures in your workout journal.
Endurance Workout:
This is a continuous run with varying intensities, but no walking for 35 minutes. Try to follow the following:
- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes increase pace to something you could maintain for a mile
- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes at mile pace (as before, slightly faster than easy pace, but something you can maintain)
- 30 seconds at a strenuous pace (aim for your 400m pace)
- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes at mile pace
- 30 seconds at strenuous pace
- 2 minutes at easy pace
- 1 minute increase to as fast a pace you can maintain/endure
- 5 minute cool down at easy pace