Friday, June 27, 2014

Fun Friday - 10 Minute Medal Effort Challenge

Where do you want to finish next Spring?  If the couch or the stands isn't good enough for you here's another 10 minute Body Weight & Core Challenge...

To complete this workout, you will go through these exercises as quickly as you can, resting when necessary.  Once you complete the circuit, start over at the top.  You are trying to see how many times you can complete the circuit before 10 minutes is up!

(Remember to warm up first!)

1. 10 x Jump Squats  (get parallel and jump as high as you can)
2. 20 Bicycle Crunches (each leg - touch elbow to opposite knee)
3. 5 push ups
4. 10 Squated Calf Raises (stay in squat position, raise up on to tip toes and back down)
5. 5 x Plank Rotation (See video for explanation:
6. 5 Jump Lunges (each leg - start from lunge position, jump and switch legs into opposite lunge and back)

Repeat this sequence as many times as you can until the 10 minutes is up.  Record your total reps in your journal and comment below how you did! 

   Bronze Effort -  5 to 6 completed sets   
      Silver Effort - 7 to 8 completed sets      
         Gold Effort - 9 + completed sets         

Fewer than 5 completed sets?  Keep working!  You will attain medal status soon! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Threshold Thursday

I will have open track session from 4:45 - 5:45 if you would like to come do your workout on the track.  I will also be working with hurdlers during this time.  So anyone interested in doing hurdles or looking to get better, come on out.

Threshold Workout

 This workout should be completed at 70 - 75% effort.  You must also follow the rest times closely to get the most out of this workout.  Here's a little reading on Lactate Threshold if you care to understand why this is important:  Lactate Threshold


200 meters @ 40 - 50 second pace
REST -  30 Seconds
150 meters @ 28 - 37 second pace
REST - 20 Seconds
100 meters @ 18 - 24 second pace
REST - 2 Minutes

Repeat x 4

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday - Endurance

I have two different workouts here for you to choose from depending on your Summer situation.  If you are vacationing and still want to get in a quick workout, choose Option A.  Otherwise, go with B.

Vacationer's 10 minute Challenge:

Each of the following should be completed in under 60 seconds, starting the next exercise on the minute.  If you finish the exercise before the 60 seconds is up, then you can use that time to rest before starting the next set.  If you go over the 60 seconds allowed you then have to try to make up that time in the next exercise.  Some are 45 seconds which allows for either a 15 second break or time for you to make up taking too long to complete one of the other exercises.

Your goal is to finish each set under 60 seconds and finish the full Challenge in under 10 minutes.  If you wish it move through without taking the remainder of the 60 seconds, and move on to the next set you can do that as well.  However, if you are finished with the entire challenge before the 10 minutes is up, you will get a bonus exercise.  If you get to the bonus exercise, be sure to count your reps to compare later. 

1. 50 Bicycle Crunches (each leg - touch elbow to opposite knee - fully extend leg)
2. 12 Lunges (each leg - touch knee to ground)
3. 100 Jumping Jacks (or jump rope if you got it)
4. 20 Push Ups (30 if your knees are touching)
5. 45 second wall sit (feet should be 1 pace away from wall, thighs parallel to floor, back against the wall)
6. 45 second plank
7. 30 Mountain Climbers (from push up position, bring knee up outside of elbow and back like running motion - each leg)
8. 20 chair squats (keep chest upright, arms extended, squat down and raise back up just before touching chair)
9. 20 chair dips (with straight legs, or 30 with knees bent)
10. 15 Single Leg Toe Touch (one leg x 15 then switch legs - see image below for how to do this, except do not let the raised foot touch the ground)

BONUS:  Do as many Burpees as you can until the 10 minutes runs out!  Make sure you write down any successes or failures in your workout journal.

Endurance Workout:

 This is a continuous run with varying intensities, but no walking for 35 minutes. Try to follow the following:

- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes increase pace to something you could maintain for a mile
- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes at mile pace (as before, slightly faster than easy pace, but something you can maintain)
- 30 seconds at a strenuous pace (aim for your 400m pace)
- 5 minutes at easy pace
- 2 minutes at mile pace
- 30 seconds at strenuous pace
- 2 minutes at easy pace
- 1 minute increase to as fast a pace you can maintain/endure
- 5 minute cool down at easy pace


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday Intervals

Just a reminder... always start your workout with a light jog and about 10 - 15 minutes of dynamic stretching (high knees, A-skips, B-skips, lunges, etc...) and end with another light jog and stretching for cool down.



This workout should be performed at 80-95% effort.

10 x 100m in 10 minutes - run 100m with 60 seconds rest on return to starting line.
*keep time of your runs - and make sure your effort level is falling in the 80-95% range.

PR of 12s should be running between  12.6 - 15 second on each run.
PR of 13s should be running no slower than 16.2 seconds
PR of 14s should be running no slower than  17.5 seconds
PR of 15s no slower than 18.7 seconds
PR of 16s no slower than 20 seconds

To figure out your range:

PR/0.8 for slowest pace  and PR/0.95 for fastest pace

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Challenge (TJ Workout at Creekview 4:30-6PM)

I will post quick workout challenges for all of you on vacation this week.  For those in town, feel free to join in on those challenges and post how well you did below.  We will also be having a few event specific workouts at Creekview 4:30 - about 6PM this week.  I'll let you know which days and what we're doing ahead of time so you can arrange to make it.

First, the Vacationer's Challenge:

10 Minute Burpees - Goal is 100 burpees in 10 minutes... and yes, you must do a jump on the way up! Whatever your result is, record it.  This Challenge will come again.  Keep a log of your workouts so you can see improvements.

How to do a Burpee:  Burpee Video

Event Specific Workout today will be Triple Jump today, however, if you just want to come and workout on your own, the track will be open 4:30 - 6PM.

 BRING WATER or Sports drink! 
It will be hot.
You will sweat.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Speed Workout

Speed Workout - "Faster you run, faster you're done." ~ Coach Cline

REMEMBER to have proper sprint technique as shown above.  Keys to focus on:
*drive arms and knee high during starts, keeping foot in dorsiflex position (shown below) throughout your sprint except to push off the ground
* lean forward as if running uphill
* do not reach your foot past your knee
* stay on your toes when sprinting
* foot should hit below or behind your body; never in front (creates braking/deceleration)
* keep head in neutral alignment with spine (don't look up or down - neutral)
* keep arms in tight, but relaxed; moving arms up and down with elbow at approx 90%
* do not allow your arms to swing side to side or cross the mid-line of your body
* focus on driving the elbows instead of the hands/arms

Part I:
6 x 50m @ 95%
You need to rest for a full 3 minutes in between sprints and make sure that you give a near full effort for each run.

Rest for 10 - 15 minutes after last run then go into bonus sprint.

Part II:
Record your time for future comparison (if possible).

Sprint 200m using following strategy:
- Full sprint through first 50-60 meters, stride through 100m mark then lean forward, drive knees and elbows up and forward with great emphasis through remainder of sprint.  Finish strong past the 200m mark.   

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Core & Body Weight

Please remember to always warm up with a 10 min light jog and a few rounds of dynamics such as high knees, A-skips, B-skips etc...  And when you are finished with your workout, always do at least a 5-minute light jog to help move all the lactic acid out of your system and about 10 minutes of stretching.  Follow up with a recover drink, or just rehydrate.  Continue to drink water through out the day.

The good news about today's workout is that you won't be doing any running outside of your warm-up and cool-down.  The bad news is that you will probably be more sore from this one than the running workouts!  

Core & Body Weight Challenge - Thursday 6/19

Here is a website that will give you a description of each of these exercises if you do not know what they are -

Try to complete this challenge without stopping.  Keep time of how long it takes for you to complete Round 1 (of 3) and try to finish at the same pace or faster each consecutive round.  You will rest for 5-8 minutes after completing each round.  Do not cheat by cutting time off of the timed exercises.  Make sure you know what each exercise is before starting so that you don't have to stop to look it up in the middle of your challenge.  Are you warmed up?  Then let's go!

Here's a little inspiration before you get started:  

10 Tuck Jumps
45s Plank

10 Clock Lunges - EACH LEG
150 Bicycle Crunches
10 Donkey Kicks
60s Flutter Kicks

10 Push Ups
10 Supermans (hold for 3 sec)
30s Wall Sit
10 Double Leg Press

Rest for 5 - 8 minutes and get some water.  Then repeat.  Do this workout a total of three times and then do a cool down run and stretch.